yo la tengo in Chinese
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- a-li-la-yo
- 啊里拉哟; 阿拉里哟
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- yo
- int. 1.唷!〔表示鼓励、警告〕。 2.= yoho 唷嗬〔促人注意的叫声〕。 adv. 〔美俚〕= yes.
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- yo yo
- 溜溜球/游游; 美俚; 约约
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- yo-yo
- n. 【商标】约约〔一种用线扯动使忽上忽下的轮形木制玩具〕;〔美俚〕迟钝愚蠢的人。 vi. 玩约约;忽上忽下。
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What is the meaning of yo la tengo in Chinese and how to say yo la tengo in Chinese? yo la tengo Chinese meaning, yo la tengo的中文,yo la tengo的中文,yo la tengo的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.